Here is your opportunity to approach the extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy with open arms and share your graces with others who may be in need.
If finding resources, spending time with others, building ramps, and or doing little fixer-uppers around the house is something you enjoy this might be a ministry for you. Come visit with us in order to gain a better understanding of what amazing acts of mercy this ministry has to offer.
If you feel called to this ministry please join us. If you cannot attend a meeting but you would like to join or simply need additional information, please contact Mickie or Mari to start sharing your time and talents in making our faith community the best version it can be.
Ministry: Assist parishioners to connect with services/goods, i.e., transportation, medical equipment and medical supplies. We also help those in need of indoor/outdoor home repairs, lawn mowing and building wheelchair (access) ramps.
Time: Monthly meetings on the last Monday of the month; one home project the second Saturday of the month; build one wheelchair ramp the last Saturday of the month. The builds usually last 4 – 5 hours. Other requests for assistance, time may vary.
Special Skills: None required, except the desire to help others. We all learn from each other and from outside sources. We all just do what we can.